Monday 18 January 2016

Beef up your life.

I recently heard quite an interesting feature on the radio. It was about an innovative company called Impossible Foods. Upon further research, I learnt that the company headed by Patrick Brown; a biochemist and former Stanford School of Medicine professor, looks at animal products at the molecular level, then select protein and nutrients from green seeds and grains to recreate the wonderfully complex experience of meat and dairy products. According to Tech Insider (, their Impossible cheese burger mimics the taste of beef as well as sizzles when you toss it on the grill. Slice it down the middle and it shows pink at the center, it leaves a residue of bloody juices on the plate, but it doesn't include an ounce of real meat. I think this is amazing! In fact, their mission according to their site ( is to give people the enjoyment of food that comes from animals without the health and environmental drawbacks. I think they are a clear example of innovation at its best. They have taken  beef and reinvented the wheel in regards as to how it's created. We can also draw lessons from them, what aspects of our lives can we completely reinvent? What component of your life can we study at the molecular level, what actions can you take to be the proteins and nutrients that make up your life? Look at the alternatives to these actions that can be introduced into your life, to not only improve the quality of life you lead but also produce the same end result. These alternative activities/action should be able to give you the same enjoyment as your current ones without the health and environmental drawbacks to your life. The alternative activity may be sleeping earlier to get more rest and give yourself more energy to tackle the next day, it may be cancelling your credit card and getting a debit card instead for greater financial control, or it may be found in a new friendship, whatever it is only you can discover it! So implement these gradually and you will be surprised at the changes they will make to your life. We have the Impossible Cheese burger let's try to lead an impossible lifestyle.