Thursday 24 March 2016

What Do you Perceive?

One morning I made an interesting observation about a moth. The moth had apparently trapped itself inside a container, the more it tried to find a way out, the more the powder detergent inside the container engulfed it. In its attempt to free itself, it kept ramming the container but in vain. The irony however was that all this time the container was wide a jar at the top and if the moth was to look up, it would've been able to locate its freedom. This got me wondering,  if I was to think about it, many of us are like the moth. Our perception has been shifted to the challenges and obstacles we face. This has occurred to such an extent that our dreams, relationships, finances and even our mindset have been engulfed by the negative perception we have developed and now we, like the moth are CONTAINED within the limits and boundaries of our negative and painful experiences. All this while our solution may have arrived but our vision has been impaired by our circumstances. We can however avoid the fate of the moth and choose to realign our mindset, transform how we perceive circumstances in our lives and look up to realise your container is wide open. See that challenge as an opportunity instead, develop a solution based mindset through exposing yourself to books that challenge your thinking, autobiographies of people that have been in the same position as you, and even blogs that encourage and inspire you. Ask for help, from people you know will want to help you and not judge you. Look to GOD for help, He will always be there but he won't intervene unless you ask Him to. Remember, you can only ask for help once you realise you need it, however if  you walk in pride it can turn from a coping mechanism into a prison. As I close I advise that you take these simple steps and many other sound alternatives to change your perception, your solution may have already arrived, you just need to SEE it.

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